Welcome to Skillstools Skillstools is a platform showcasing the results of European projects where the consultancy firms NTI-MMM and EUROMASC have been partners. It also offers insight in the tools the firms use in their projects: Skillsbank, Skillstube and YOMTOOL. NTI-MMM NTI-MMM is a consultancy firm that delivers web-based services to facilitate the monitoring, management and operation of transnational projects. Experiences from EU programme operation since 1995 form our core competences, which we use to organise and advise on the practical operation of transnational programmes and projects. Over the last years, NTI-MMM (NTIM) has been involved in a variety of projects and partnerships linked to EU 2020 targets, working with European mobility activities and implementing ECVET principles in competence development, mapping, and documentation. In cooperation with EUROMASC, NTIM supports the activities of the Erasmus+ programme and the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) with the use of the ECVET principles in EQF-oriented environments at national, sectoral and international levels. Our portfolio includes projects such as ChemPharmVet, The Backstage, The Painting Skills Network and Make It. The new Erasmus+ programme generation, ESF and the EEA Grants schemes are offering interesting frameworks for project promoters as well as for partners and participants. NTIM is an active partner in organising new projects, and is always ready to provide its services where ECVET principles and the use of learning outcome descriptions are at the core. The main field of operation is the creation and implementation of Learning Outcome-based instruments for describing and defining qualifications. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) with validation and accreditation of skills and competences, career guidance and certification are supported with Skillsbank. This facilitates transparency and permeability between different strands of education and training, and supports lifelong learning in general. Skillsbank includes the implementation and facilitation of transnational instruments like EQF, ECVET, ESCO and Europass. Skillstube is an extension of our Skillsbank service. It allows for the user to upload video recordings of their competences in a specific qualification. It also allows for the showcasing of “best practice” videos done by professionals, to teach the learners how to conduct a specific task. These videos can then be linked to a competence or learning outcome. YOMTOOL is an interactive web solution where learners and organising institutions can plan, record and document the different steps which take place in a Vocational Education and Training (VET) learning mobility activity. |
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