Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment The Skillsbank system opens up for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Assessments. RPL assessments refer to the validation of Learning Outcomes, whether from formal education, non-formal or informal learning, which was acquired before requesting the validation of competence. The validation process of prior learning includes the following four steps: these are identification of prior learning, then documentation of learning, which then will be formally assessed before the prior learning gets certified into either partial or full qualifications. The possibility to get informal and non-formal learning validated complies with the Council Recommendation of 20 December 2012 on the validation of non-formal and informal learning (2012/C 398/01). Formal learning is defined to be what is normally perceived to take place in structured learning environments and usually is certified with a qualification or diploma. Non-formal learning is defined as the learning that takes place trough planned activities, such as in-company training, however may not result in a diploma. Informal learning takes place related to daily activities such as work, leisure and family activities. This form of learning is not planned and structured and takes place in an unconscious manner, such as the experience of taking care of a family. RPL assessments envisions to identify and certify all forms of learning which then can be partly or fully validated. The process of RPL assessments in Skillsbank is a two-step procedure and starts with self-assessment of own competences by the user. This is followed by the independent assessment of the user done by the assessor. Supporting documents for the assessment may be uploaded by the individual applicant in Skillsbank. The assessor consolidates this step as an input to the formal recognition and accreditation of the users competence. |