MOMDIG – Migramoms in a digital world

Project timeline: 28.02.2022 – 30.08.2024

EUROMASC is partner in the Erasmus+ project “Migramoms in a digital world”, (MOMDIG) where the focus is on bringing out skills migrant mothers have acquired through motherhood and other life experiences, and placing them in a system that enables them to be used in job searches and in other arenas. An aim of the project is also to offer training in digital competence, and to strengthen career guidance for this target group. We will test training programs for supervisors and migrant mothers next year, and new and old partners are welcome to participate!

The MOMDIG project aims to develop a comprehensive training course with the objective of mapping and developing the non-formal, informal, and formally acquired skills, knowledge and competences among stay-at-homemigrant mothers. This approach aims to strengthen their employability and facilitate their entry into the labor marketwithout requiring extensive re-education. In addition, the methodology has the potential to reduce the average length oftime of re-entry into the labor market after childbirth.

EUROMASC is responsible for the development of a comprehensive qualification matrix, in addition to assist with the creation of the training modules, using our experience with “Microcredentials” or mini-qualifications, and other online courses created.

Coordinatior: Stiftelsen Mangfold i arbeidslivet (MiA) – Norway

Other partners in the project are:

Associazione Piano C – Italy
Instituto Para El Fomento del Desarrollo y la Formación SL (INFODEF) – Spain
Le Monde des Possibles ASBL (MDP) – Belgium
Mareena – Slovakia
Soleterre – Strategie di Pace ONLUS – Italy

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.