YOMTOOL’s targets
YOMTOOL as a system addresses several targets. It creates a cost-effective web-based tool which integrates the operative documents relevant and required in a transnational vocational education and training mobility. It is a communication tool between the participating partners, as they all have access to the same information through using the system. As YOMTOOL complies with the ECVET principles, it contributes to individual documentation of learning outcomes, certificates and qualification documents, tracked and stored for career guidance on a later stage. YOMTOOL is an exceptionally flexible instrument, it opens for that individually obtained learning can be linked to relevant documents like Journeyman Certificates, sector specific certificates and the Europass documents. Moreover, YOMTOOL as a toolbox contributes to simplify the operation of VET mobility projects. The learner participants should therefore be in a more profitable position during and especially after the exchange placement. As a cost-effective instrument, YOMTOOL contributes to making vocational education and training more attractive through easier access to the learners own training records, certificates and qualifications as a tool for individual guidance. The YOMTOOL system has implemented the EQF and ECVET principles as the recording method for obtained learning outcomes through different training pathways. This also includes validation of prior learning acquired through formal, non-formal or informal experiences. Finally, the system is developed as a multilingual service. Indexing of learning outcomes in additional languages is available through the DISCO web service for describing the learning outcomes. The use of an indexing service facilitates the bridging between ESCO descriptions and the YOMTOOL service and documents. |