PaintingSkillsAcademy – TRAINING
Activity /


Practical seminar

UNIT 1 bis UNIT 17 Professional practice – Preparation 3 professional painter (Pedagogical part)

Ident number of the activity / UNIT L4_U1-17
Activity type Training course

Seminar/training course over several weeks

EQF-Level 4
Field Further education

Additional qualification

Target group ·        Employers (Painting contractors) with a vocational or professional qualification

·        Employees with a vocational or professional qualification

·        Trainees / apprentices with a vocational or professional qualification

·        People with a vocational or professional qualification

Entry requirement Persons who meet one of the following conditions:

·        has obtained secondary vocational education (any field!) and has at least three years of experience in the field in which he wants to take the master’s exam.

·        has obtained secondary professional education (any field!) and has at least two years of experience in the field in which he wants to take the master’s exam.

·        has obtained a higher or higher professional education (any field!) and has at least one year of experience in the field in which he wants to take the master’s exam.

Provider, place of learning Provider:

Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia

Place of learning:

Painter school / Painter college

Contact details of the provider Ms. Suzana Kljun

Phone: +386 1 583 05 74

e-mail: (EN) or (SLO)

Lecturer / Trainer Mr. Vojko Letonja (Born in 1944, construction engineer, master painter since 2002, owner of a painting company with over 40 years of tradition).

Ing. Matjaž Majdič (Born in 1965, safety engineer, master painter since 2001, owner of a painting company with over 50 years of tradition). 

Dates, duration of the activity The tender period starts on 10th January and runs until 31st December each year. There are two accession deadlines for submitting complete applications:

February 11th and September 23rd.

Candidate must send written applications to take the master’s exam, along with proof of fulfillment of the conditions and other required documentation, on the prescribed form, which can be obtained from the Chamber Craft and Small Business of Slovenia or at their web page.

The course of taking the master’s exam is determined by the Rules on master’s exams.

At the master’s exam, the candidate must prove both practical and professional – theoretical knowledge. The sequences of taking individual parts of the master’s exam are:

·        Professional – theoretical part,

·        Practical part,

·        Managerial – economic part (knowledge that is necessary for running a company) and

·        Pedagogical – andragogic part.

Date: …

Times: …

Attendance mode Vollzeit oder Teilzeit (berufsbegleitend)
Prices per person (participant) Cost of the activity, Material costs and Examination fees:

I. Part II. Part III. Part IV. Part Application fee Total cost
412,87 € 514,87 € 106,86 € 108,48 € 381,30 € 1.524,38 €
Max. Number of participants Max. 30 participants per seminar
Funding opportunities
Ident number of the activity / UNIT L4_U1-17
Goals / field of competence Part 4 – Pedagogical part

The goal of the pedagogic-andragogical part of the exam is to check and assess whether the candidate demonstrates knowledge, skills and competences for the effective implementation of practical education.

Training tasks Description of detailed goals / content (fine goals).

Learning outcomes according to PSA qualification portfolio:

Knowledge He/she knows

the basics for the formation of motivation, conscious responsibility, appropriate knowledge and skills that enable quality management of employees and training for quality implementation of practical training in a direct work environment:

·          psychological basics of learning and teaching

·          pedagogical and andragogical approaches

·          planning and implementation of practical training

·          educational system

Skills He/she can

·          distinguish and take into account psychological peculiarities in the process of adolescence and adulthood,

·          develop a positive attitude towards the developmental peculiarities of adolescents and adults,

·          choose techniques for developing positive values and character traits

·          observe the laws of learning and teaching

·          create a stimulating working environment and climate for learning and working

·          take into account various professional principles for successful practical training

·          take responsibility for the achievement of educational objectives

·          monitor students’ learning progress and evaluate the results of practical training

·          plan and carry out practical training

Responsibility and autonomy He/she is able to

plan, carry out and monitor the training of young people in compliance with legal requirements so that the training objective can be achieved.

Others Methodology

·        Project-oriented teaching

·        Practical examples and expert tips

·        Action orientation

Please bring to the course/seminar!

·        Own laptop, notebook, or similar.

Assessment board National Examination committee

European Expert committee Seminar leader (Expert*in for Historical painting techniques)

Assessment basis


The pedagogic-andragogical part of the exam comprises two exam units:

1.      Written exams (exceptionally oral or written and oral exam)

o   psychological foundations of learning and teaching,

o   pedagogic-andragogic approaches,

o   planning and implementation of practical education,

o   educational system.

The written exam can last a minimum of 90 minutes and a maximum of 135 minutes.

2.      Pedagogical performance and advocacy.

The candidate prepares for the pedagogic performance with the defence by means of a written pedagogic preparation and submits it to the examination board in two copies immediately before the performance. The written preparation must contain all the elements of the pedagogical preparation with a description of the methodically didactic course of the pedagogical work with the student for the duration of one pedagogical lesson or one hour of practical training.

The candidate performs a 10- to 20-minute pedagogical presentation in front of the examination board. The performance is followed by a defence of up to 10 minutes.

Assessment criteria’s The teaching performance is evaluated on the basis of the teaching preparation and the performance of the teaching performance before the examination board. According to the reasoned decision of the examination board, it may exceptionally be checked and evaluated by an oral or a written and oral exam. The oral exam lasts up to 20 minutes. The candidate has 10 more minutes to prepare.

Knowledge is checked and evaluated in the written exam with tasks of different types (open and closed type) at different levels of difficulty and with structured tasks. Each question is evaluated with a certain number of points depending on the difficulty. The total number of points in the written exam is 100 points. Oral exam: The exam board prepares five exam papers with three more questions than there are candidates who will take the oral exam during the exam period. Each question on the exam paper is evaluated with a certain number of points depending on the difficulty. The total number of points on the exam paper is 100 points. The total number of points in the written and oral exam is 100, in the ratio of 50:50 points.

Pedagogical performance with defence: the candidate prepares for the pedagogic performance with the defence by means of a written pedagogic preparation and submits it to the examination board in two copies immediately before the performance. The written preparation must contain all the elements of the pedagogical preparation with a description of the methodically didactic course of the pedagogical work with the student for the duration of one pedagogical lesson or one hour of practical training.

  The candidate performs a 10- to 20-minute pedagogical presentation in front of the examination board. The performance is followed by a defence of up to 10 minutes.

The minimum condition for successfully passing the pedagogic-andragogical part of the exam is a sufficient grade, or at least 50% of all possible points on the written exam and on the pedagogic presentation and defence.

The total grade for the pedagogical-andragogical part of the master’s exam is the mean value of the grades from the written part and the pedagogical performance. In the case of an intermediate assessment, the assessment is determined in such a way that the pedagogical performance has more weight.

The candidate cannot receive a positive assessment if he does not demonstrate knowledge of key content (positive attitude towards teaching work and education participants, compliance with the rules of business etiquette, use of professional terminology, personal order and orderly written preparation…) or if he is unable to professionally justify tasks in the field of pedagogy andragogical work, which are a sign of quality and craftsmanship.

PSA certificate National (Slovenian) Master Degree.

Confirmation of participation in the activity and PSA certificate.

Advice on personal career planning Individual recommendations.


□ to the course ………………………………. (insert name) on ……………. (enter desired date)


Information about the participants     

(1)         Name, first name __________________________________________________________________

Adress               __________________________________________________________________

Phone                __________________________________________________________________

Email                  __________________________________________________________________

Trade                 __________________________________________________________________

(2)         Name, first name __________________________________________________________________

Adress               __________________________________________________________________

Phone                __________________________________________________________________

Email                  __________________________________________________________________

Trade                 __________________________________________________________________

Hotel and breakfast – if desired
Book your overnight stay in … with you! Overnight stay and breakfast (Please check where applicable!)

□ Single room – € … per person/night

□ Double room – € … per person/night

□ Breakfast – € … per person/day

E-mail address for invoicing:


By registering, I/we accept the < providers > terms and conditions of participation and business.

___________________________________ _____________________________________________________

place, date                                                                                 signature