IO1: Competence matrices and recognition of prior learningDevelop a coherent qualification matrix with units of learning outcomes covering relevant non-technical soft and transversal skills for STEM-related jobs.
Align and incorporate the new qualification matrix with ongoing employability efforts at European level.
Elaborate procedures to assess and document individual participants’ previously acquired non-technical soft and transversal skills when matched against specifications in the developed qualification matrix.
IO2:Training programmes based on OERs (Online Educational Resources)Design an open learning environment based on OERs (Online Educational Resources), that facilitates the development of soft skills.
Prepare training provisions through MOOC-type deliveries and webinars.
Validation of training attainments based on assessments and micro-credentials certified by the training providers.
IO3: Online platform with SkillsbankCreate an Online platform that will serve as the hub in a fully digitalised training environment.
This entails full access to multilingual matrices defining required qualifications in learning outcome format (EQF/ECVET) – to which the OER repository will be linked to create a resource bank for the training programs, including MOOC, and in parallel the option of online assessments.
IO4: Piloting TrainingPrepare tailored learning materials for piloting the training modules in a MOOC to all target groups as developed in IO2.
Ready case examples in form of written materials and as a video/on-line based materials.
European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.